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Report Center

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The Report Center allows users to print various reports or charts and memorize reports with customized settings.  Default reports are divided up in groups along the left hand side of the section.  Each group has single reports that are displayed in report tiles with the name of the report and the description.




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Report Center




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Report Center


Report Preview

Memorized Reports

Report Management

Custom Reports







Setup Forms


Work Cost

Work Orders and Procedures


Stock Reports


Below are the individual Report Categories and each report assigned to the category.




Equipment Cost Report

Equipment Grouped Report

Equipment Part Linkage Report

Equipment Report

Instrument Reading Entry Sheet

Instrument Report




Order History Report

Order Report

Parts on Order Report

Parts Reorder Report

Transaction Report




Part Count Sheet Report

Part Grouped Report

Part Report

Part Usage Report


Setup Forms


Equipment Setup Form

Template Setup Form




Supplier Part Report

Supplier Report


Work Cost


Work Cost by Labor Report

Work Cost by Part Report

Work Cost by Supplier Report

Work Cost by Tool Report

Work Cost Chart by Labor Report

Work Cost Chart By Part Report

Work Cost Chart by Supplier Report

Work Cost Chart by Tools Report

Work Cost Summary Report


Work Orders and Procedures


Procedure History Notes Report

Procedure History Report

Procedure Report

Procedure Setup Report

Work History Downtime Report

Work History Notes Report

Work History Report

Work Order Report

Work Template Report




Report Preview


Click on any report tile to open that report up in the Report Preview window.  The report will open up with the data and number of pages that will be displayed.  There are a few different forms of Report Preview that depend on the report that has been opened.




Memorized Reports


The Memorized Reports area contains the individual reports the user has chosen to add to the area.  Memorized reports are default reports that users have customized a specific way to be accessed quickly in the future without having to set it up again.  Refer to the Report Actions part of the help file on Report Preview topic page to learn how to memorize reports.


Report groups make organization of reports easier by allowing the user to create report groups for better organization.