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Navigation: Work Order Review

Work Order Review - Edit Work Order

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It is possible to add details to or edit work orders when they have been moved to the 'Work Review' section.  The ability to add additional details or edit may be necessary when data has been left off of the work order or data needs to be updated.  


Editing In Work Order Review


Work details can be edited or added from Work Order View via the Work Order Viewer.


Work Order Info


All of the Work Order info can be edited or added by clicking in the box and selecting from the drop-down.  


Completed Information:


Completed details of the work can be edited in Review before it has been logged to history. While the work order is still in review, some of the data being changed is live data. Read below for a further explanation of which fields will impact other sections of the program.



Data Completed: Date completed can be changed directly through the drop-down calendar, or by typing in a new date completed.


WARNING: Changing the Date Completed will change the Scheduling Date in Work Templates. Read more about what that means for the template in that help topic.


Instruments: Readings can be added or edited in the Work Order Review section. To change a reading, click in the reading field and adjust the value to the correct reading. Click enter, tab, or click out of the reading field to make sure the reading has been applied.


WARNING: Editing the instrument reading will write a record to the Instrument Reading History. It will display the date/time of the edit and show up as Work Review.


Parts: Parts can be added, edited, and removed in review. The Estimated Quantity and Actual Quantity can be modified directly on the record.


WARNING: Editing the Actual Quantity or adding a quantity will change the parts stock inventory in the program.  Once the work order is moved to history, the inventory will be adjusted.