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Navigation: Work Management

Work Order Distribution

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Work Orders can be distributed to users, printed, or emailed in one convenient window. To distribute work orders, start by putting a check mark in the box(es) in the row of the work order(s) needing to be distributed.


Distribution Options


Distributing Work Orders


After selecting work orders, changes can be made to any of the fields to activate the distribute button. Assigned user is for an individual who will perform the work and Maintenance Group is for assigning the work to a group of people.  The status can also be changed at the time of distribution.  


Note: Editing the fields and clicking distribute will change the data for all of the work orders that have been selected.



Printing/Emailing Work Orders


Checking the send to box on the window will allow for Emailing or Printing. If you the email is chosen, the Email Recipients field will activate and allow for users to be added to the list of email recipients.