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User Details - Certificates

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Certificates Tab


In the User Detail window, it is possible to keep track of individual user's earned certificates on the Certificates tab.  The Certificates must be created in the Certificate Type List and additional certificate information can be added on the 'Certificates' tab.  Some examples of certificates possibly needing to be kept track of are First Aid, license renewals, specific equipment certificates, etc.


Once a Certificate type is selected, the rest of the fields can be filled out to define specific data about the certificate.  


Note: The Expires On date controls the status that is noted on the certificate.  The status will say (Active) before the expiration date, and it will say (Expired) once the certificate surpasses the expiration date.


Below are step-by-step instructions of adding a certificate, editing a certificate and removing a certificate.


ClosedStatus12x12white Adding a Certificate to a User


ClosedStatus12x12white Editing a Linked User Certificate


ClosedStatus12x12white Removing a Linked User Certificate