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Navigation: Parts > Detail Panel

Part Details

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The Part Details panel is divided into an upper and a lower portion.  The upper portion has general information about the part chosen in the Parts Grid.  In the General section of the Part Details panel, users will be able to see and edit information related to the selected part.  For any fields present in the detail section, users can enter or edit information directly by typing into the field(s) or by clicking the down-arrow to select data from the available list.



Upper Part Detail

Upper Part Detail (Click to Enlarge)



NOTE: When typing into list-based fields, such as Product Group, Product Type, Equipment Type, etc., users will be prompted to select from a list of partial or non-matching pieces of data.  List-based fields are intended for reusable data and thus a list is prepared for easier matching and selection going forward.


Part Details: Working with Part Information

Important information is stored in the upper Parts General information area.  The following fields are highlighted for their importance when working with other sections of Antero.


Stocking Units:        Stocking Units are described as the units for the part or how you store the part in inventory (e.g. quarts, each, set, pair, etc.).

Tracking Type:  Tracking type can be set to Tracked (default), Untracked, or Tool.

Tracked:        Tracked parts maintain quantity and inventory information and quantities are deducted from on hand values when usage occurs via Work Order or Consumables.

Untracked: Untracked parts are listed and inventoried at warehouse, but quantity information is not stored or maintained through usage.  These parts may be too numerous to count.

Tool:  Parts flagged as tools are allocated and parts quantities are not deducted from on hand when usage occurs via Work Order.

Product Group: The Product Group list field allows users to associate Parts with a defined Product Group.  The Product Group field is a single piece of data that can be used to describe or classify the part and will help to categorize similar parts together.

Product Type:  The Product Type list field allows users to associate Parts with a defined Product Type.  The Product Type field is a single piece of data that can be used to further describe or classify the part and will help to categorize similar parts together.

Equipment Type: Allows users to associate Equipment and Parts with a defined Equipment Type.  The Equipment Type field is a single piece of data that can be used to describe the piece of equipment and examples are: pumps, motors, valves, trucks, tools, etc.

Bulk Units:  Bulk units are described as the units in which the parts are ordered.

Number per Bulk Unit: This is the number of individual units in a bulk unit (e.g. 24 paper towels in a case).