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Navigation: Work Templates

Work Templates - Adding Work Templates

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In the Work Templates list, users can join Equipment and Task records together to form the elements of the Work Orders that will be ready for creation when scheduled.  Each equipment/task combination in the Work Template can be setup to maintain separate information such as Task instructions, Parts, Tools/Equipment, Labor, and Suppliers.


Each Work Template contains a one-to-one equipment/task combination.  Each equipment/task combination, when appropriately scheduled, will generate a single work order.  This allows Antero to maintain the specific, one-to-one relationship that provides a relevant history of work performed.  All equipment/task combinations, when scheduled and created, will be assigned a unique work order number.


*Continue to the sections below to learn how to add and add similar work templates.


ClosedStatus12x12white Adding a Work Template


ClosedStatus12x12white Adding a Similar Work Template