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Work Requests

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Work Requests are work items that have been created or requested by non-Antero or Antero users without the ability to create Open Work Orders. To learn more about how Work Requests are created, see the following help topic, Creating Work Requests.


Users manage requests in the main Antero Application section, users have the ability to read, close, or associate a request with an Open Work Order. The requests are made from the Work Request Application and the main application users will see a new request by a number indicating new requests over the Work Requests icon in the ribbon. To learn more about managing requests within the main app, refer to the Managing Work Requests help topic.


Direct database communication allows for the Requester to get automatic updates on the work that has been requested notifying users of progress.


Note: Access to the the database in Microsoft SQL Server is required to be able to request work orders.



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Work Request Application

Installing Work Requester

Creating Work Requests

Editing Work Requests

Deleting Work Requests


Current Work Requests



Work Request Application


For users who do not have access to Antero or the ability to create work orders, a separate installation package for the Work Request application should be performed to provide the ability to generate requests. See the Installing Work Request help topic for more information.


Once installed, the separate application allows the users to create requests for work on Equipment in Antero. The requester does not need to know the exact name of the equipment to make a requests.


Non-Antero users can follow requests in the Requester and see that the work has been created, completed, or see notes on why work was not needed.



Managing Requests within Antero


Antero uses are notified of incoming requests from the requester with an indicator on the Work Requests icon. With proper permissions, a user can take the requests and create Work Orders from the Antero Equipment and Task list.


Once created, the work orders become like any other work orders in Antero and the Request application is automatically updated. No Work Required is also an option with comments on why the work was not performed.