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Database Options

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The Database Options section of Database Admin allows users the ability to easily change the next work order number, new procedure number, create through days, and default work order status.


Database Options Window

Database Options Window (Click to Enlarge)

Database Options


Next Work Order Number: The number displayed is the next work order number that will be assigned to the next created open work order created. This number is auto-incremented as work orders are created, but can be changed if desired. As a default, work order numbers begin at 0.

Next Procedure Number:The number displayed works exactly like the Next Work Order Number described above. but is auto-incremented when Procedures are created. As a default, Procedure Numbers begin at 0.

Create Through Days: The create through days is the number of days in advance that you want Antero to auto create work that is scheduled.  The Create Through Days can be set anywhere from 1 to 30 days, 30 days being the max number allowed.

Default Work Order Status: The status defined here will be the status of all work orders when they are first created from either schedule creations or manual creations.

Require Work Order Completed Notes: Check this box to make Completed Notes required to be filled out on a work order before the work order can be sent to Review or History.


*Continue to the sections below to learn how to adjust the next work order number, new procedure number, create through days, and default work order status.


ClosedStatus12x12white Adjusting Next Work Order Number


ClosedStatus12x12white Adjusting the Next Procedure Number


ClosedStatus12x12white Adjusting the Create Through Days


ClosedStatus12x12white Setting the Default Work Order Status