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Navigation: File Menu > Database Admin > User Security

User Security - Add User

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For Antero security to be enacted, users must be created in order to associate database and department level security settings. To add users to a database, the steps are performed in the Users  tab. The Add User window will provide a list of domain users from the active directory, or a list of available local users.



Add User Security

Add User Security (Click to Enlarge)


Adding Users to Antero


To add users to security, follow the steps below:


1.Under the Users tab heading, click the add_16x16 [add] user button .

2.The Add User Security window will open in front of the Security window.

3.On the left-hand side of the window, check the new user name from the list.

4.On the right-hand side of the window, choose from the available Roles to assign to the new user.

5.Next, click the AddButton  button in the upper right-hand corner of the Add User Security window.

6.The new user will now appear in the Antero database's Users table on the left-hand side.

7.Then, on the Users tab, in the User detail section, the user's Full Name: can be entered into the field.

8.In the Privileges section, the user can be made a DB Admin (database administrator) or have access and rights to User Security.

9.Under Role Assignment, check any and all roles the user should be assigned to or edit a role assignment made previously.  Note: Roles are created and defined here.

10. The user has now been added to Anteros Security section.