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Navigation: Suppliers > Detail Panel

Supplier Details

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In the Supplier Details section of Suppliers, users will be able to see and edit information related to the selected supplier.  For any fields present in the detail section, users can enter or edit information directly by typing into the field(s) or by clicking the down-arrow to select data from the available list.  The Primary Contact is selected on the Contacts tab.


Supplier Details

Supplier Details (Click to Enlarge)



Contact Information


Enter contact information by selecting one of the default options in the drop-down, or an option directly in the field that may not be available in the list.  The available contact options are Phone, Fax, Ext, Cell Phone, Pager, E-mail, or Website.


Web Address GlobalIcon - Enter a valid web address to get a hyperlink in the field that will open up the address in the default browser.


Email Address EmailIcon - Valid email addresses will be recognized with an envelope icon. Click on the icon to open up the email address in the users default email client.



Example of contacts with hyperlink icons

Example of contacts with hyperlink icons





Primary Contact Box


The Primary contact is selected in the contacted tab to note the point of contact at the Supplier. The info displayed in the box is pulling all of the data about the primary contact from the Contacts tab.



Note: Email and Website icons are displayed in the Primary Contact window.



Example of Primary Contact info

Example of Primary Contact info