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Antero Help

The OPC/DDE options screen allows userse to define/update settings that allow the interface to perform its functions.



Antero OPC/DDE options

Antero OPC/DDE options (Click to Enlarge)



Here are the available options:


Logging: Options to Log Data Values and Verbose Logging are available for the OPC/DDE log.  When Log Data Values is checked, attempt readings (successful or failed) will log errors and successful readings to the log file.  Un-check to log errors only. Default setting is turned off.

Sampling Interval (milliseconds): Sets the interval at which the service attempts a reading for links that have been scheduled.  Default settings is 100.

Midnight Avoidance (minutes): Number of minutes on either side of midnight that the interface will temporarily halt all readings.  Default setting: 0

End of Day (for summaries): Defines that time that will be the end of the day.

DDE Timeout (milliseconds): Set the time at which a failed link will cease attempting to connect to the defined OPC/DDE tag.  Default setting: 1000

Shutdown Password: Enter a password that will be required when opening AND closing the OPC/DDE Interface.  Setting a password will provide a level of control that will not allow users to close the application without providing the password and inadvertently disconnecting Antero from a SCADA program resulting in lost data.

Set the password by clicking Set Password.  Once a password has been defined, the Change Password allows for it to be changed or remove it by clicking Clear Password. *Note: The user will be required to re-enter the current password to change or clear it.

OPCDDE Password Entry


Minimize after Starting: Check this box to have the application automatically minimize after its started.