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Navigation: OPC/DDE Data Collection

OPC/DDE Link Information

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Continue below to get an overview about OPC/DDE Link information or select an item in the list to go directly to the topic.


Link Setup

Creating a New Link

Scheduling a Link

OPC/DDE Link Examples




Link Information


Each link defined in the OPC/DDE Interface requires several pieces of defined information.  In general, the information can be broken into 3 categories: Antero Instrument data, OPC/DDE Service data, and schedule information


Antero Instrument Information


Each link requires the following instrument (Meter/Gauge) information, which comes from the Antero Database.


Equipment: A selected piece of equipment from the current database.

Meter: A selected instrument for the selected piece of equipment.



OPC/DDE Service Information


Each link requires the following service information, which comes from the external data provider/service/SCADA program.


Link Type: DDE - Dynamic Data Exchange

oService: The internal application name provided by the application for DDE type connection.

oTopic: The application provided piece of data required for full DDE connectivity

oItem: The unique tag name or item name referencing discreet data values.

Link Type: OPC - OLE for Process Control

oNode: The server or serving computer where the data service is accessible.

oServer: Application serving data to available client connections.

oTag: The unique tag name or item name referencing discreet data values.


Schedule Information


Each link requires that schedule be defined for the reading.  Readings can be scheduled multiple times throughout the day, up to once every minute if desired.  For more information on scheduling tags, visit the link setup help topic or contact AllMax Technical Support.


Link Type: OPC - OLE for Process Control

oNode: Enter or browse (press the [...] button) for the server or serving computer.

oServer: Enter the server or application name or browse (press the [...] button).

oTag: Enter or browse (press the [...] button) for the unique tag or item name.


To schedule a link, press the [Set Schedule] button to begin scheduling links.  In the OPC/DDE Scheduler window that opens, define a schedule for when the link will run.


For Links to be read once per day:


Select the appropriate item from Schedule Task drop-down control.  Based on the selection, additional options will be presented.

Enter a valid start date/time for the link to attempt a reading.


For links to be read multiple times per day:


Select the appropriate item from Schedule Task drop-down control.  Based on the selection, additional options will be presented

Enter a valid start date/time for the link to attempt a reading.

Place a check in the Repeat Task check-box.

Define an appropriate interval by entering a number in the Every field and choose the appropriate number of minutes.