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Setup Tools - Labor Class

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Labor Class

Labor Class


Labor Class


The Labor Class list field allows users to associate Work Order Labor records with a defined Labor Class. The Labor Class field is a piece of data that can be used to describe or classify the class or group of labor to be used and will help to categorize work order records. The Labor Class field is used on various reports and can be used to filter for specific data.


The Labor Class field is also important in that users are able to define a hourly wage to be used when charging labor usage for work orders. By defining a labor class cost per hour, Antero will multiply the cost per hour times the numbers of hours used when completing the selected work orders. In doing so, the costs associated with all labor used will be calculated and can be reported on when necessary.


Further Labor costs can be calculated by utilizing the Labor Type data with an associated multiplier.




Labor Class can be added by clicking add_16x16 [add] and defining the labor class and rate for the class. The Name and Rate fields are both required to save a new Labor Class.

The Edit_Active.svg[edit] allows for change to the name and rate fields.

cancel_16x16 [delete] will delete a Labor Class from the list.